Helsinki to Tallinn Daytrip

I took the ferry to cross the Baltic Sea from Helsinki the capital of Finland to Tallinn the capital of Estonia. It was about 2 hours and it was a trip I always wanted to do if I would be in Helsinki cause it’s easy to put another country and city off the bucket list.
I visited the old medieval Tallinn with its city walls and the old town square and city hall. It’s all situated in the lower town. The upper town of Tallinn is where you find the Russian Alexandre Nevski Cathedral on a hill. There is also a nice panoramic viewpoint over the old town and the new modern Tallinn in the distance.
In total I may have been 5 or 6 hours in Tallin which is long enough to walk it all off. spend 1 hour at a restaurant on the market square where I had some Estonian dish,  think it was wild boar with a large beer. I enjoyed my stay here and can recommend this day trip if you are in Helsinki Finland. Check my post on Helsinki by clicking on Helsinki

Old Citywalls Tallinn

Old City walls Tallinn

Me in Tallinn Estonia

Me in Tallinn Estonia

Town Hall

Town Hall

Old Town

Old Town

Alexandre Nevski Cathedral

Alexandre Nevski Cathedral